Glass City
At this site we performed earth moving, site grading, erosion control, placed retaining walls, site demolition, site utilities, concrete pavement and sidewalks, concrete curb, asphalt paving and bike paths, stone placing, striping and signage.
Oak Harbor
Church Street
In Oak Harbor we performed earth work, concrete work, site grading, and asphalt work. We replaced sewer, storm and utility lines while the roadway was demolished. Catch basins and manholes were adjust, replaced, or placed to improve the sewer and storm systems.
Martin Luther King Parkway
At this location we remove existing asphalt and raised the grade to put an end to flooding in that area. Other work includes sewer storm and utility line work, signage, and concrete work. Asphalt was also replaced for the parking lots surrounding the intersection
Logan avenue
On logan avenue we restored the road by repaving the asphalt and repairing concrete driveways and sidewalks. We also removed and replaced catch basins and fire hydrants, manholes were brought back up to grade sewer storm and utility lines were replaced.
Amazon Distribution Center
At amazon we excavated, graded then paved the parking lot surrounding the building. We placed catch basins manholes sewer storm and utility lines. A pond was also excavated on this site.